What The Steinway Offers To Piano Players

Steinway pianos have a lot to offer those who love this particular type of musical instrument. The production of a grand piano takes an estimated 12 months to complete. This includes the two months that it takes to dry and season the wood and three months to wait for the pianos to leave the manufacturers … Continued

5 Features Of The Steinway Baby Grand Piano

The Steinway baby grand piano is smaller than the grand piano, and it is praised by numerous people for its full and resonant sound. It is an ideal option for people who want the similar amazing sound offered by grand pianos, but smaller and at a more affordable price.

How Much is Your Steinway Grand Piano Worth?

A few months ago, a friend of mine inquired about a Steinway grand piano, and the first thing I told him was that there are no two grand pianos from Steinway that are the same. Since 1853, Steinway Company has crafted pianos individually. Each unit is unique, which is why when people decide to sell … Continued

Steinway Is A Great Name- Mason Hamlin Is A Great Piano

When people think of a great piano most will think of a Steinway piano. However, when purchasing your own great piano for your home; is Steinway the best option? Have you considered other high quality options such as Mason & Hamlin?Throughout my career I’ve seen and heard a wide variety of pianos, all with good … Continued

Steinway Grand Piano: From New York & Germany Only

Before you buy a Steinway grand piano, it is imperative to understand there are no two Steinway grand pianos that are alike. As individuals, we have special characteristics that appeal to others, hence, each Steinway grand piano has its extraordinary characteristics as well. Steinway has handcrafted each piano to its own individuality since 1853 and … Continued

Steinway Piano Compared To Schimmel Piano

For Atlanta-area music enthusiasts in search of a new piano, there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you will never be limited on your options for a new instrument. The bad news is that with so many choices, it is not always easy to make your selection with … Continued

Which Steinway Pianos Are From China

There are piano brands people have heard about and then there are brands that cause your fingers to tingle. Steinway pianos is one of those trademark names that have that effect on piano players. Any piano musician would love the opportunity to sit before a Steinway piano and play their favorite melody. Simply writing this, … Continued

Steinway Baby Grand Piano Models

Ask just about anyone you happen to meet which company produces the best pianos, and they’ll say "Steinway." The name itself conjures up visions of hushed concert halls, lush sounds reverberating throughout, with the greatest pianists in the world producing the greatest music in the world.