Where Does Steinway Stand After The Sale?

Recently, the piano world was rocked with a surprise announcement that famed piano company Steinway & Sons had agreed to be bought out by a private investment group. The New York-based Paulson & Co has no other ties to the music industry, being the private hedge fund for billionaire John Paulson.

How To Find A Good Steinway Piano

Shopping for a piano can be a very confusing adventure, given that there are various top manufacturers, types, and models to take into account nowadays. When you think you have found the right one, you tend to question yourself all over again when you see another beautiful piano. If you are looking at buying a … Continued

Learn Music On A Steinway Piano

A large number of pianists demand a great Steinway Piano in their property. Steinway and Sons founded the company many years ago, and they have constructed numerous models for piano lovers all over the world. Learning music on one of their pianos is truly an extraordinary experience and one would be so lucky to have … Continued

Why Is The Steinway Grand Piano So Popular?

New piano buyers will normally ask me why a Steinway grand piano is very popular among the music lovers and my answer is always the same – it is due to the cost and the quality of the piano. These are certainly the decisive factors. However, in the interest of saving their money, a number … Continued

How Much is Your Steinway Grand Piano Worth?

A few months ago, a friend of mine inquired about a Steinway grand piano, and the first thing I told him was that there are no two grand pianos from Steinway that are the same. Since 1853, Steinway Company has crafted pianos individually. Each unit is unique, which is why when people decide to sell … Continued

Steinway Is A Great Name- Mason Hamlin Is A Great Piano

When people think of a great piano most will think of a Steinway piano. However, when purchasing your own great piano for your home; is Steinway the best option? Have you considered other high quality options such as Mason & Hamlin?Throughout my career I’ve seen and heard a wide variety of pianos, all with good … Continued

Steinway Piano Boston and Essex

If money makes the world go around, it must be music that makes that turning tolerable.  Music has been called the language of the angels or, as Thomas Carlyle said, the speech of angels.  That’s why so much religious artwork depicts angels playing music on harps or trumpets, and why music has found an important … Continued

Steinway Grand Piano: From New York & Germany Only

Before you buy a Steinway grand piano, it is imperative to understand there are no two Steinway grand pianos that are alike. As individuals, we have special characteristics that appeal to others, hence, each Steinway grand piano has its extraordinary characteristics as well. Steinway has handcrafted each piano to its own individuality since 1853 and … Continued