5 Holiday Songs That Utilize the Piano

The festive holidays are what so many look forward to every year, because it’s filled with love, joy, wonder, and cheer. Whether it is celebrated as a religious or secular Christmas, it is always filled with happiness and of course, Hoilday songs! Every year, I list some of my favorite songs that I can play … Continued

How The Piano Can Assist With Autism?

 One of my friends who is a piano teacher teaches autistic students. He confided in me that throughout his many years as a teacher, he only had to deal with a student who threw violent tantrums once. He said typically, most teachers would give up at this point, but with his sufficient training and experience, … Continued

The Importance Of Vertical Pianos Maintenance

Did you know that multiple studies have indicated a real correlation between music appreciation and test scores?  Sure, correlation may not  prove causation, but when multiple studies show that musical students outperform non-musical students, it’s hard to argue that the two aren’t somehow related. One of the most telling statistics found, in fact, was that among … Continued

10 Reasons To Invest In A Player Piano For Your Family

Player pianos are best described as self-playing pianos and are known as pianolas as well. The pianolist accomplishes vibrant shading of the music by merely varying the degree of density applied to the foot pedals. There are many different reasons why you should invest in a player piano for your family, of which the following … Continued

Enhance Your Child’s Brain Power Through A Piano After School

Typically, children aged between 7 and 18 have plenty of after-school activities, from soccer to cheerleading, from rugby to dance lessons. If you are thinking about adding a music lesson to the list, I suggest that you consider piano lessons, as they offer many crucial benefits.  Through learning and playing piano, your child’s brainpower can … Continued