A Digital Piano Plays Different Than An Acoustic Piano

Because we are living in a truly digital age, it is only natural that you may be looking at purchasing a digital piano for your home instead of a traditional acoustic instrument. One of my most frequently asked questions is, "Are digital pianos as good as acoustic pianos?" There is no simple "yes" or "no" … Continued

Celviano Is A Digital Piano

For several generations, Casio has been a trusted name in electronics. Founded in Tokyo in 1946, this company has developed everything from calculators and watches to mobile phones, cameras and, of course, musical instruments. Any musician who has ever dabbled in electronic music has most certainly, at one time or another, used a Casio instrument. … Continued

Yamaha Keyboards And The Beginner

 Have you always wanted to learn to play the piano? Why haven’t you started yet? Beginning piano players cite several obstacles to getting started at the keyboard and chief among those obstacles is finding a piano you can afford. After all, pianos represent a sizable monetary investment and as a learner, you might not be … Continued

Celviano – Digital Piano By Casio

In a world gone digital it seems like everywhere you turn it’s “out with the old and in with the new”. Change is a good thing, but sometimes it can be hard to let go of the past. With the Celviano digital piano by Casio, you can have the best of both worlds. This digital … Continued

Digital Piano Atlanta Stores

With their many advantages and beautiful sound quality, it is no wonder that digital pianos are in popular demand. But what should you look for when seeking out the right instrument for you? A satisfactory buying experience begins at the music store itself. When shopping for a digital piano Atlanta, here are three key things to … Continued

Digital Pianos And The Beginning Student

Digital pianos are a great place to start for beginning piano students. When I first started piano lessons I decided to start with a digital piano for several reasons. First, I was not sure that I had the time to make a serious commitment to lessons, and I was not sure whether I would continue … Continued

Yamaha Digital Piano For Sale

Buying a digital piano is a delicate process.  The idea of spending all that money on an instrument, leads me to wonder: what if I buy the wrong kind?  That’s why it’s important to know a few things about a digital pianos, before actually making the big buy.  Let’s have a look at some of … Continued

Piano Prices And Knowing A “Good Deal”

There is no better time than now to purchase a piano, a time when music is so ripe in the world, where a piano player’s skill is universally valued. But what about the value of the piano? A good deal on a piano is a ratio of the cost to what I need. If I … Continued