When you decide to shop for a piano, it is advisable that you bring along your piano instructor. He is an important resource to utilize when you want to purchase a piano for your home. Although you can rely on the piano dealer or even a RPT, the opinions given from a piano instructor is just as good, if not better.
Why You Should Bring a Piano Instructor
There are many reasons why you should consider bringing your piano instructor along to shop for a piano, such as the following:
Professional and Experienced
Piano instructors are individuals that have undergone years of music lessons and training in order to become music educators. Most piano instructors have more than 5 years of experience in the industry and know the ins and outs of pianos as well as piano lessons. Therefore, they would make a great company when you want to buy the musical instrument.
Ongoing Professional Development
Piano instructors constantly improve themselves by attending seminars related to their profession and choice of instrument. They are always updated on the new development of the musical instrument and the methods of playing it.
Updated with the Current Market Price
Given that piano instructors have extensive knowledge of the piano, it is difficult for piano sellers to cheat you. Whether you want to purchase a brand new or used piano, your piano instructor knows the current market price for the item.
Able to Determine the Value of the Piano
As previously stated, piano instructors know the intricate details of the instrument. Thus, he is able to determine if the piano that you are interested in buying is worth your investment. He can test the piano and find out if there is anything wrong with it. Seeing that he is your piano teacher, he will certainly ensure that you buy a piano that can last a long time. This is especially crucial if you decide to buy a used piano.
Can Help Make a Choice
It can be quite daunting to choose the right piano that suits your music needs. Your piano instructor can help you make a choice when it seems to be too much for you to decide. By comparing prices, sounds, features (if you want a digital piano), and sizes, your piano instructor can list down the “pros and cons” and go through the list with you.
However, bear in mind that it is still your decision to make. Always choose something that meets your requirements, for instance, budget and size.
Do you trust your piano instructor enough to help you buy a piano?