All Pianos Are Not Created Equal

Each piano is made differently, as it is made from different types of woods, finishes, and more. Pianos come in a range of various sizes, shapes, types, and designs. You can find a vertical piano and a horizontal piano too. Let’s learn a few useful aspects about the assorted types of this very special musical … Continued

Which Steinway Pianos Are From China

There are piano brands people have heard about and then there are brands that cause your fingers to tingle. Steinway pianos is one of those trademark names that have that effect on piano players. Any piano musician would love the opportunity to sit before a Steinway piano and play their favorite melody. Simply writing this, … Continued

Piano Tuner And Technician. Are They The Same?

I get asked a lot of questions, as you might expect, about the language of the piano industry. Is a vertical piano the same as an upright? What credentials should I look for in a piano teacher? Like any industry, we have our jargon that is sometimes difficult for people outside of the piano business … Continued

Piano Repair Focus On: Treatment Of A Loose Pinblock

For a piano to hold a stable tuning, it’s essential that the tuning pins are tight. While there are other factors (such as fluctuations in humidity) which have an impact on the longevity of a tuning, a tuning pin which is loose to the point where it slips and turns in its hole will cause … Continued

Very Risky Vs. Peaceful Shopping For A Vertical Piano

Risk taking can be fun. Sky diving, bungee jumping, white water rafting, rock climbing — all these activities involve risk, get your adrenaline pumping and become lasting memories. But there are other kinds of risks that are certainly less rewarding. Shopping for a vertical piano online from unknown private sellers is one of those risks … Continued

Piano Sale How do I Know If It Is A Good Price?

For centuries, possessing a piano in the home has been regarded as indicative of good taste and often, a skilled or dedicated player. For me, listening to the magic chords of a Beethoven composition or the unmatched precision of a Chopin piece brings all that rich history to life, in lush and vibrant sonic hues. … Continued