Top 4 Pianos Schimmel Offers

When you’re looking to add a piano to your home, you’re not making a quick or reckless Schimmel pianodecision. You’re buying a fine instrument and piece of furniture, one which will complement your home for decades to come and will likely become a family heirloom. You want the best that your budget can accommodate because you want to know this is an investment that truly will pay off for both yourself, and for your grandchildren.

Schimmel is a brand that doesn’t get enough recognition, but they have long had a history of balancing sound that rivals the top tier of brands, in price ranges that non-superstars can afford.

Their high end line of Concert Grands are suitable for any established musician looking for an instrument that truly shows off their skills. Their inexpensive lines are affordable enough for anyone looking for a starter instrument, or an opportunity to help a young one learn about music.

Even though no one may brag about having a Schimmel in quite the same way they would about a Steinway – when you can get great sound at a quarter of the cost, does it matter?

The Top Models In The Schimmel Product Lines

I. Schimmel Koncert K230 Tradition: While not the largest grand Schimmel offers, the K230 is widely recognized as their superior concert offering, and its full 7’6” length ensures sound quality that could fill the largest halls. This isn’t a starter piano: this is a serious instrument for the budget-conscious concert pianist with their eyes set upwards.

While generally ranked as a Tier 2A company in the world of piano manufacturers, the K230 Tradition makes a strong argument that their lower price point shouldn’t hold them back from being recognized at the Tier 1 level.

II. Classic Grand C182 Tradition

Schimmel pianos excel in their affordability, it’s no surprise that the C182 turns out to have won the most critical praise and industry attention. The C line is significantly less expensive than the Koncert line, yet offer sound which is nearly as rich – often, one wonders if the difference is due to anything more than the smaller size.

Priced around $15-$30,000, these are exactly the sort of instruments which you can afford, and which will keep playing on for decades to come. They are small enough to fit in a home, while offering a sound which will be the talk of the neighbors.

III. Vogel V115 Tradition

Vogel is Schimmel’s brand aimed directly at newcomers to pianos. With prices usually well under $15,000, Vogel is perfect for people looking to buy their first piano, and may not need to buy another.

Their V115 balances superior sound quality for a vertical with a price that’s easily within many schimmel pianoshome’s budgets. You’ll be getting a timelessly classical instrument which can fit with nearly any interior, and which will fill the house with sound for years to come.

IV. May Berlin M 121 Tradtion

Schimmel’s most inexpensive line is aimed solely at learners. Their May Berlin pianos may be designed with children in mind, but they offer sound and responsiveness to mirror professional-grade models. The M121 is designed after the Vogel V115, giving your child the feel of a real piano without having to make a real piano investment.

The Schimmel Difference

While they lie outside traditional piano ranking, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention Schimmel’s eye-catching Art Collection. These playful instruments demand attention, and back it up with Schimmel’s unique sound. If you want something to set your house apart from any nearby, or a quirky installation in your corporate lobby, these would make people listen, play, and buzz.

No matter your needs, there’s a Schimmel that will give you sound beyond what you thought you thought you could afford.

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