Schimmel pianos. It’s a brand with a long history, remaining under Schimmel family management since its beginnings in the mid-19th Century. For nearly all that time, they’ve been known for one thing: producing unassuming pianos that don’t cost much, but deliver sound that rivals brands that cost several times has much!
Even despite being Germany’s most popular brand of piano throughout the 60s and 70s, the name is little-recognized around the world. Yet, because it’s such a budget-conscious choice, the truth is you may be hearing the sounds of Schimmel pianos anywhere in the world.
Schimmel Pianos: The Sound That Fits…
…In a child’s first bedroom…
As a family company, Schimmel knows the importance of introducing children to music at a young age. Their most recent CEO believed in this enough to create the May Berlin signature line of learning pianos. Far from “toy” pianos, many of these are nearly identical in design to some of their larger adult line.
A few hundred years ago, a personal piano was a luxury that likely only a few thousand children ever knew. Today, it’s within the reach of millions. The surest way to keep music alive is to have it around your child from birth.
…In every living room you make your own…
Not everyone has the luxury of knowing that they’re in the house they’ll live in for the next thirty years. More and more people today are looking for a piano that’s a little smaller, and a little lighter, that they know they can fit into any home.
A smaller grand like the Concert C182 provides a lot of sound in a little piano, with Schimmel being noted for the strength and longevity of their sound. It could be filling your studio now, your living room in a decade, and your parlor as you retire.
…In university halls…
Schimmel pianos are perfect for advanced learners as well. Their combination of competitive pricing and professional-grade sound and action makes them a top choice for universities around the world. Chances are pretty good that any given university student may be hearing a Schimmel as they walk past practice rooms, or a student concert echoing from the center of campus.
The Vogel line was developed partly with higher education in mind. These “no-frills” models might not turn heads at a concert to look at, but their range and projection will bring in the curious from far and wide.
…In your grandchildren’s hands…
Too often these days, we think of bargain products in terms of how few years they’ll last, not how many. We’re used to planned obsolescence and products that never seem to last as long as they should.
Thankfully, that’s not the case with Schimmel Pianos. Anything from their Konzert or Classical lines is a precision-built instrument that was made by a company that prides itself on quality. A Schimmel may be the last piano you own, and that means knowing you’ll see it in the hands of your grandchildren.
Whether they’re learning to play piano when they come visit, or they’re inheriting it early as a special graduation present, Schimmel wants you to have a piano that stays with your family.
…Or in the largest concert halls.
The various lines of Schimmel pianos go up to the very top of quality and performance. They may be jacks of all trades, but that doesn’t stop them from bringing their value to top-tier lines. Their upper echelon, topped by the 9’2” K280, have played in every concert hall in the world.
They aren’t flashy. They aren’t trendy. People don’t brag about using Schimmel… but they do use them. They use them because their sound fits into every part of life, to the point you’ve probably been hearing Schimmel yourself, and never known it.
Of course, with a hands-on demo you could hear them again, for the first time…