The Importance Of Getting Your Piano Tuned

Why You Should Get Your Piano Tuned

Vintage 1921

Everyone knows that learning how to play the piano is a tremendous challenge. It takes years of experience, an enormous level of commitment, and a lifetime to master. Because of the massive amount of time that goes into learning this classic instrument, it is vital to ensure that every one of those hours count.

Therefore, make sure the piano is in top notch shape. The keys should function. The sharps and flats should not be chipped. All three pedals should function properly. The back should open properly if necessary. Of course, the piano should also be tuned.

Piano tuning is very important to making sure the piano sounds its best. After all, if the piano isn’t tuned properly, how will you know if your music sounds the way it should? Read the reasons for piano tuning below!


  • Piano strings are wires under pressure


While pianos have 88 keys, many of these keys have more than one string. This means that each piano has hundreds of strings under a tremendous amount of pressure. In fact, these strings are under so much tension that it can move cars. As the strings are repeatedly struck and attempt to hold their tension, the degree of tension changes. These tension changes contribute to the piano going out of tune. Make sure the strings are at the proper tension by tuning it regularly.


  • The wood of the piano changes based on the weather


As the seasons come and go, the temperature and degree of humidity changes. Did you know that wood stretches in warm, wet conditions and shrinks in cool, dry conditions? Did you know the bridge across the strings is made of wood? Over time, the changing conditions that make up the wood in your piano changes the degree to which the strings are stretched. Therefore, it is important to make sure the strings are tuned to match the stretch in the wood.


  • A piano tuned regularly will hold its tune longer


Every piano is designed to stay at a certain pitch designed by the manufacturer. The concert pitch is called A:440. What this says is that the first A above middle C vibrates 440 times per second. If the piano isn’t tuned regularly, the seasons will cycle multiple times. The changes may be so drastic that the tuner may need to give the piano a pitch raise. This will change the above pitch in a way the manufacturer of the piano did not intend. This can impact the way the piano sounds and alter the product that results from practice on the piano.


Ultimately, a properly tuned piano is essential for strong practice. Strong practice is essential for maximum benefits from these practice sessions. There are many different piano tuners to choose from, particularly with piano tuning Atlanta. If you need piano tuning Atlanta check out the website here! You won’t be disappointed with the resulting sound of the piano. This will keep that piano sounding the best it can.

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