We believe you should carefully consider your decision to invest in a piano.
TOP TIP: While we have enough confidence in our staff, products, services, prices, and policies to encourage all of our customers to shop and compare, we feel it is ill advised to be “rushed” into a purchase at “limited time only” store sales, or so called “sales” conducted in temporary facilities such as school or college campuses or vacant store fronts. We recommend you take your time and conduct whatever research you feel is necessary, regarding pianos for sale, to make an informed decision with which you are comfortable.
Your preference of furniture style, wood finish, size, tone and touch is entirely subjective. We will never presume to advise a customer as to “what piano you should select”. It would be presumptuous and arbitrary for us or anyone else to tell you what you should prefer to buy.
We have found most advice simply reflects the preference of the person giving the advice. In addition, teachers and technicians are often paid commissions of as much as 5% of the purchase price for customer referrals. Since this practice does not promote honest and objective advice and referrals, we do not pay referral fees or commissions to anyone, including our staff. If someone recommends Cooper Piano, it’s because they want to, not because they have been compensated.
We strongly recommend every customer select the piano you want. After all, you’re investing your money in a piano that you will look at and play in your home. You alone will live with the piano you select; not us, not your teacher, not your technician.
To enable you to comfortably select a piano you want to buy rather than one we want to sell, we maintain a large and diverse inventory representing every category of piano made.
When selecting pianos for sale to present at Cooper Piano, we focus on objective fact based on the difference in pianos including tonal quality, size, case design, wood finish, length of warranty, durability and demonstrated life expectancy. We buy pianos whose price appropriately reflect these differences, provide the best value, are in the greatest demand, and can be sold at a price that will enable the piano to hold its value over time. We will not buy pianos that must be sold for more than we would be willing to credit in trade.
Because of the discipline we exercise when buying and pricing our pianos, we can guarantee that for as long as you own your piano you may exchange it for one of greater value, and you will receive credit for 100% of the original purchase price. In addition each piano is covered by written parts and labor warranty.
Our written guarantees demonstrate our confidence in the quality and value of our pianos.
It is important to remember that while teachers, technicians, and publishers can be helpful, they don’t guarantee their recommendations or assume any financial risk if their recommendations don’t work out.