Out of Tune Piano? – Piano Tuning Atlanta

piano tuning atlanta

Piano Education Helps Children Excel in Academic Areas

Studies are showing that children involved in multiple year music courses, like piano, where they are taught:

  • Complex rhythms
  • Tones
  • Practicing skills

We have superior cognitive performance in reading when compared to other peers, (ScienceDaily.com).

Family Musical Education Begins With a Piano

Most families begin their journey into musical education by purchasing a piano. For most of us, this is a once in a lifetime family purchase. It can also feel a bit overwhelming. However, with Cooper Piano Houses, we’ll assist you through the entire process. In fact, our company is one of the top piano tuning Atlanta musical establishments. We’re set-up to provide you with everything you’ll need for a successful piano purchasing experience including:

  • Piano Purchases (new and used)
  • Piano Tuning
  • Piano Moving
  • Piano Rent
  • Piano Repairs

piano tuningThere are certain steps that, I ,always like to recommend new piano shoppers take when getting ready to make their first big musical purchase:

  1. Become familiar with different types and brands of pianos.
  2. Play each piano that you’re interested or have the salesperson do so. Listen carefully for the different styles and tones that each individual instrument makes.
  3. Get some expert recommendations from music teachers or expert pianists that you trust on a trusted brand of piano that offers quality and low maintenance.
  4. Establish a realistic budget.
  5. Try out several different piano brands before making a final decision.
  6. Inspect all areas of the piano carefully including the back, sound board, plate, treble & bass bridges, and other important parts.
  7. A piano is a lovely piece of furniture. Select one that you love to look at.
  8. Take your time.

Keeping Your Piano Playing Beautifully for Years to Come

Once you’ve make your wonderful musical purchase, its important to keep it playing lovely notes:

  • Did you know that the average new piano needs to be tuned about four times a year, until its been adequately played.
  • Even though a piano isn’t played, it still needs to be tuned.
  • Its recommended that pianos get tuned about once every 6 months.

We have the best piano tuning you could ask for.  So, when you’re ready to buy a piano or do some piano tuning Atlanta style, please contact Cooper Music House to help make it the best experience possible.

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