Meet The Staff Who Wants To Help Your Piano Purchase

Buying a perfect piano may not be as easy as we think it is. Believe me; I for one didn’t ever cooper pianothink that it could be easier than I thought it could be until I decided to meet the staff of Cooper Piano. At first, I was hesitant to meet them because they might have no time to accommodate me. Another thing is that I was fed up with sales talk that they might just be giving me. But I said to myself that there’s no harm in trying, so I tried it.

Incredible! I never thought that they were so accommodating and treated me like a friend and a valued customer, when I just visited them once to inquire about buying a piano. Actually, I have already anticipated what they will tell me: they will keep on pushing their brand, they will say a lot of sweet talks, show me a record of their purchases and satisfied customers, etc. But behold, I was wrong in my anticipation!

I couldn’t believe that they were so sincere in talking to me by giving me important ideas on how to buy a perfect piano for my home. Believe me, if you meet the staff, they are friendly and accommodating, and they wouldn’t push you around for an immediate signing of a sales invoice. They even asked me what was my preference, a brand new unit, or a used one. I told them that it depends on my budget, but of course I was looking for quality, not a cheap one with cheap quality. At that time, I was thinking of buying a used piano if my budget was not enough to buy a brand new one, so, they gave me some ideas about my plan.

Is it worth buying a used piano?

These are the things that I found out about Cooper Piano:

  • This company is carrying a huge stock of brand new and used pianos, as well as restored units that are in good condition. They have also an inventory of digital pianos that are very salable nowadays and church organs. They have around 30 brands available to choose from, and the company is the sole dealer of a wide range of choices in pianos and organs throughout the Southeast.

  • Although younger customers prefer to buy brand new pianos, there are also those who want restored antique pianos. The older buyers prefer the incredible sound of crafted antique pianos which hold a special place in their hearts. You can bet that their quality and craftsmanship are unequaled in the industry. People cherish those memorable instruments to come back to life.

  • If you meet the staff, they will inform you that they provide a "rent to own plan" wherein meet the staffa customer can bring home a piano and rent it for a small amount of fee. After some time, when the user decides to buy the piano, he/she can do it minus the rental fees that have been paid in using it, and without any purchase obligation or time limit.

  • With Cooper Music, a piano purchase is always secure because the company provides a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and free exchange if you’re not satisfied with the first unit. Aside from that, they also offer free home tuning service and free in home concert.

So, with this information that I got, I decided to buy a used piano, and will just settle for a new one when my child is already grown up. So far, we have no problem using our piano; it’s perfect, and the sound makes no difference with a brand new one. I’m delighted to see my child playing the piano every time I get home from work.

If you want to meet the staff, you can log on to their site. Do you have your own experience in buying a piano of your dreams? Share it with us by leaving your comment below. 

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