Are you considering taking up jazz piano lessons Atlanta has to offer? Atlanta has taken jazz to the next level with different experienced and skilled individuals offering his or her teaching services to the public. There is so much that one can look forward to when it comes to jazz lessons, performances and concerts. I cannot say that I know everything about jazz, but one thing that I know for sure is that classical musicians or students cannot necessarily play jazz music. However, with the best teacher on your side and the right goals, you can certainly become an above average jazz piano player.
Set Your Goals
As with learning any other music genre or musical instrument, you need to set yourself specific goals. You definitely want to make progress and not remain exactly the same as you are today, don’t you? If that is the case, then you need to list the things that you want to change within yourself. Think about what you want to accomplish as a music student or perhaps, a musician.
If you do not change your mindset right now, you will end up being the same person with the same abilities in years to come. Start right now and decide what you want to achieve with the piano lessons Atlanta has to offer. Here are some things you should consider when it comes to learning jazz:
– What abilities do you want to grasp?
For instance, do you want to read music more accurately? Do you want to articulate or express yourself through music more specifically? Do you want to improve your phrasing, tone and touch?
– What do you care about when it comes to taking lessons?
A number of people do not have much time available to attend music lessons. They will try their best to allocate about 30 minutes per day or maybe, 30 minutes every two or three days. To tell you the truth, 30 minutes for every two or three days are not going to be enough, but it will have to do if you have a busy lifestyle. Other things you might want to consider under this category are the pieces that you might want to play and perfectionism.
– How do you want to approach jazz piano or its lessons?
Are you interested in learning songs that you like, as a distraction? Do you want to move forward in the exam system, or are you looking to train yourself in becoming a serious jazz musician?
I recommend that you write your goals in one or two sentences on a piece of paper. Then, keep it somewhere safe, so that you can go through it whenever you want to. In order to achieve your goals, I advise that you talk to your jazz piano teacher about your goals. Ensure that his or her expertise lines up with all your goals. Ted Howe from Atlanta is a great piano teacher that is able to help those who want to learn jazz piano lessons Atlanta has to offer.
Ted and I have been friends for a very long time and I know he is the right person to talk to if you are considering jazz lessons. As with any piano teachers, Ted has his own way of teaching and he certainly has his own sets of internal curriculums. Therefore, if you do not share your goals, or how you would like to improve yourself in jazz lessons, you are definitely wasting your time and money.
Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with your piano teacher?
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