10 Ways Playing the Piano Increases a Child’s Attention Span

10 Ways Playing the Piano Increases a Child’s Attention Span



By the time a child turns six years old they should have a solid attention span of around ten to fifteen minutes. They should also be able to tune out minor distractions going on around them as well.


By the time they enter the first grade they should be able to focus on tasks that provide enjoyment and educational enrichment for at least thirty minutes.

Scientific research has proven that playing an instrument can improve the quality of your life. There are many ways that piano lessons can provide delight and cultural education to our little ones.


Higher Test Scores

Recent studies indicate that children who spend at least a year with regular piano lessons displayed increased focus and better performance in school. Continued piano lessons also increase cognitive function as the child gets older, resulting in a slightly higher IQ level as the child becomes college aged. The areas of mathematics, reading and spelling are greatly enhanced by participating in piano lessons on a regular basis.


A Healthy Mind

Recent research conducted by Northwestern University indicate that children who take music lessons have a faster response time to speech. Even if the lessens or regular playing do not continue into adulthood the brain stays more sharp than those who have not played piano. As we age it helps lessen the effect of aging. Even though you may not realize it at the time you are providing your child with a sharp brain well into their golden years.


Motor Skills

For fidgety kids that have a lot of energy to burn playing the piano can be a hobby that helps with coordination and hand eye movement. Playing the piano requires that you use both your right and left side at the same time. It improves posture and provides encouragement to children who have issues sitting for extended periods of time. Increasing coordination can also be an opening for other hobbies such as sports or dance lessons.


Cultural Diversity

Playing the piano can open your child up to other cultures. Piano can accompany a variety of styles from jazz to classical pieces. Jazz has its roots in the deep south and classical has roots everywhere. Piano can open up a child’s perspective and give them a viewpoint that they were previously unable to see. It’s important to open up a child’s mind at a young age and expose them to different cultures. This will help nurture their ability to be open minded about our differences.



Learning to play any type of instrument requires patience. Playing the piano does not provide instant gratification. It takes lots of patience and time to master the process. In order to make specific goals you have to have a natural progression. You have to learn the keys, proper posture, coordination and timing.


Social Skills

Playing piano can include the option to play a larger part in an ensemble. Working towards a common goal teaches valuable social skills. It also increases the ability to think critically and work together towards problem solving. This can also expand the possibilities for special needs children to participate in other social activities, such as sports and other types of lessons.


Self Esteem

Learning how to play piano takes lots of dedication and practice. Each lesson teaches to face a difficult task and overcome challenges. Each task discourages the child to avoid discouragement and embrace the discipline of the lesson. Each lesson should increase the child’s self-esteem and encouragement level. Learning a new skill can be fun and rewarding!



Music can provide a great outlet for a child to express themselves and be emotionally responsive. Playing an instrument such as the piano can provide an outlet for children, especially those with special needs. When exposed to music many children feel more comfortable being open about their feelings. Playing the piano can provide stimulation and emotional release.


Language Skills

It has been proven that children that play instruments such as the piano have improved language and communication skills. Learning pitch and mastering piano skills helps the brain better understand human language. This makes it much easier for a child to pick up additional languages.



Playing piano requires you to focus on things like pitch, rhythm, sound quality and duration. When playing in a group ensemble you have to focus not only on your own sound but the sound and timing of the others in the group. The concentration skills will improve memory and listening as well. This can benefit a child as they grow and age into adulthood.


Piano lessons can benefit a child’s life in many ways. It will not only open their world to different cultures and increase their world view but also benefit them in many other ways. It can improve concentration, social skills and improve test scores.

One response to “10 Ways Playing the Piano Increases a Child’s Attention Span

  1. Steadily increasing my time at the keys from 5 minutes 6 months ago to now over an hour. Using the cooking timer. Much progress and able to tackle different lesson books. Say 3 hour sessions broken up by two breaks, is now possible. Feels like your back in college.

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