When I first pieced up my first notes on my father’s favorite piano, I was so proud of myself. As I sat there playing the simple “Joy to The World” tune, the imaginary me basked in the glory of a thunderous cloud giving a standing ovation after my performance. It is the dream of every individual to not only know how to play piano, but also be an expert in the art. There are important things I had to bind myself to in the realization of my goal.
Adhere to a strict training schedule
To achieve near perfection, I commit myself to a rigorous schedule of at least half an hour of training in a day. Even though, the recommended value is an hour and above, the half hour does just fine for me at times when my schedule is too tight. Just as it is the case for any other lessons, piano player lessons will bear more fruit if the practice is intensive. I always take pride in the possibility of adding more hours to the training schedule and try to loosen the fingers and let the tune get into the bones.
Listen to the piece to train on before the actual practice session
There is always the option of reading the keys off a piece of paper or go through the guidelines of a tutor. This is however in my opinion is not the best approach to the issue. Since music is all about how it feels like not how it reads, the issue of reading the notes of a solid piece of paper cannot really let one actualize perfection. I find more fulfillment in the listening of an expert play the tune I intent to practice or even listen to a recording I get from the internet before the actual playing to get a gist of how perfect he whole tune should be.
View mistakes as challenges and concentrate on correcting them
I emphasize on the need to optimize on mistakes rather than let them bog me down. Human beings, in quest for perfection always end up frustrated when they make mistakes. In my study of the art of learning, I have found out that by concentrating on our mistakes, we get to perfect on them and eliminate the possibilities of having them drag us down when we need to stand up to the occasion as any skilled piano player would.
Concentrate on playing the piece right to do it right
One way in which many people fail in their quest to success is by concentrating on not committing a mistake rather than concentrating on doing the task right. In learning how to play a piano, it is important that emphasis be laid on doing it right, not fearing doing it wrong. I believe that by drawing from the joy of striking the notes right and weaving out excellent notes, one is in a position to draw from their inner strength and play the tune right.
Get courage from the probing eyes of a crowd
Many a times, I find it hard to stand before a crowd and present an idea. However, with repeated appearances, the shivery and wet palmed me harden and become accustomed to the probing eyes. To make a good piano player, it is paramount that you be used to an audience. The audience motivates by their applause and the constant fear of letting them down and watering down your reputation becomes a fueling power to your quest to greatness.
A great piano player is one who can play at any time, prepared or unprepared and still manage to awe the audience. This only comes with redundant practice and confidence in one self that can only be achieved by adhering to the above named guidelines.