Grand Piano Maintenance

After you finally purchased a grand piano, you will realize that it requires grand pianovery little money and time when you consider the years of gratification it can offer you, especially when you compare it with other activities or hobbies. While it offers you the satisfaction, there is a need for you to learn the basics of maintaining the piano. Since you are reading this article, it is safe to assume that you are looking for ways to maintain your piano. If that is the case, you have certainly come to the right place.

In general, the piano entails continuing care through climate and cleaning control, as well as customary preservation in three regions of the piano:

· Tuning

· Voicing

· Regulation

Exterior of Piano

You should keep the exterior of your piano clean and polished, but for pianos that have a polyester plastic finish, no polishing is required. Since the finish is durable and stunning, you do not have to worry much about the exterior. For older models with lacquer finish, you will need some products to maintain it. You should not use any household products such as silicone or lemon oils to clean the pianos because those products can certainly damage your beautiful grand piano. The best thing to do is to consult with a professional on the type of products that is safe to use. Of course, I will provide some tips on how to maintain the cleanliness of lacquer finished pianos:

· Grab a soft cloth and make sure you wipe off your piano in the direction of its wood grain, which is the direction where the original finish was applied. By doing so, it will benefit the finish and the wood.

· Be very careful and extra gentle with the edges and corners of your piano. The edges and corners tend to have the thinnest layer of lacquer and by putting too much pressure on them when cleaning can expose the wood.

· If you find sticky build up of polish or wax, mix mild soap with filtered water, and wipe the area with this mixture. Dry the area immediately with a soft, dry cloth.

· Avoid using polishing products that are meant for polymer finishes.

Interior of Piano

When it comes to piano care for the interior, it requires some care and simple tools to begin with. I would advise you to hire a professional to clean the interior of your vertical piano because he or she knows how to get to the bottom of the area and clean the keys accurately. piano careFor grand pianos, the music desk can be easily removed. The interior is normally cleaned with a combination of blowing, brushing, vacuuming, and wiping. As I have stated above, a technician with qualifications is able to teach you the right cleaning procedures. In addition, he or she can help you find the right products to get the work done. Grand pianos get dusty easily, which is why they need to be cleaned episodically. If you do not clean it periodically, the dust can turn into a sticky film when it picks oils from the air, and when this happens, it can be very difficult to clean it.

The Piano Keys

Since the day I started loving pianos, I have learned that the best way to keep the piano keys clean is to use a soft cloth with a mixture of warm water and a drop of dish washing liquid to wipe the keys. If you plan to do this on your own, you should always dry the keys right after cleaning them. Make sure you do not allow liquid to run down the sides of your grand piano keys. Always be extra careful when you clean the piano keys.

Share your opinion with us: Would you prefer to clean the piano on your own or would you hire a professional cleaner? 







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