There are reasons why Yamaha pianos provide lasting sound and make a great choice of purchase. They have craftsmen specifically for testing the quality of sound and body of the piano. Yamaha has several hundred pianos they test on to check the performance and tweak every part of the piano until they are satisfied with the results. These craftsmen play a key role in producing quality Yamaha pianos. These technicians determine the end results and ensure the quality of sound and superior craftsmanship of the instrument.
Yamaha produces most of their pianos in their facilities where they use ultramodern techniques to develop top quality equipment. Despite the fact that Yamaha offers such reasons to ensure the buyer they are purchasing a great product, it is best to analyze the piano before buying it.
I had to inspect the Yamaha pianos to make sure they were made up to par. I inspected all areas of the piano starting with the back. I made the posts were strong enough to provide enough support that could last a lifetime. There were no nuts and bolts out of place or loose. Then I went to the soundboard where string vibration creates the tone of the piano translated through the soundboard. It is a vital part of the Yamaha pianos. A crack would also hinder the sound of the piano as well.
Another area of the piano to analyze was the plate. This is the irregular shaped piece of cast iron that is bolted on the back of the frame. This keeps the piano strings in place. The treble and bass bridges are also vital organs of the piano. They are hard pieces of maple that transfers the vibrations of the strings to help create such a pure sound.
After my inspection of the Yamaha pianos, I needed to determine which would best fit in my home. For example, I needed to make sure I had enough space for a grand piano. I wanted to do the piano justice by offering it plenty of space. However, I didn’t realize how large Yamaha pianos were and decided to go with an upright piano where I would still be able to show off its beauty, its quality sound, and not think about how much space was left in the room.